Thursday, January 28, 2010

Movie Review The Lovely Bones

At a glance:
What: Movie, The Lovely Bones

Helpful Hints: If you liked "Heavenly Creatures" you'll like "Lovely Bones"

Rating 3 Stars
Starring Mark Wahlberg,Rachel Weisz, Saoirse Ronan, Susan Sarandon.
Rated PG-13
Director-Peter Jackson
Now Showing at Albany Cinema.

The Lovely Bones is about, A Suburban American Town in 1973, where a 14-year old girl Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) is murdered. Salmon is caught in a in-between station between Heaven and Earth. Salmon the story’s narrator is not to be seen by her family, friends or her killer. Jackson has found the perfect fit Susie Salmon (Ronan). Susie Salmon is an ordinary American High-School Girl, full of life, her passion is photography. One day it all changed, it all ended when a deranged neighbor Mr. Harvey(Stanley Tucci) took it all away. I found this movie to be a tearjerker. I felt the loss deeply. This movie displays the afterlife which was not so successful as the novel was. The Lovely Bones is a thriller mixed with fantasy and a family melodrama. It is a different mixture to have in a movie. I have never saw a movie quite like this one before! This movie was strange, but unique. This movie is full of great acting but very sad and depressing.

The Lovely Bones is full of suspense, especially when susie’s sister sneaks into the home of Mr. Harvey, to find some evidence. This part was heart pounding tension. Mark Wahlberg the father of Susie Salmon is overcome with grief, he becomes obsessed with solving the crime and drives his grief stricken wife away(Rachel Weisz).

USA Today Claudia Puig gave The Lovely Bones 3 stars “some books are not meant to be adapted to the big screen.

Dana Steven’s- Slate Magazine gave it 3 stars, The Lovely Bones for this critic fails.

Mick Lasalle- San Francisco Chronicle gave the movie 3 stars. The Lovely Bones is difficult for viewing.

James Berardinelli at Reel Views gave it a 3 star rating also. “The story told by Jackson’s The Lovely Bones is the same as the one related to sebold, but it lacks the complexity and empathy evident in the book.

I found this movie to not be boring full of excitement even though it was a little weird the movie did make you think!

Susie Salmon
Is an ordinary
American High
School Girl
Full of life..

Caught in a
Station between
Heaven and Earth

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